Reduce TV/Screen Time with this Tip

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Reduce TV/Screen Time with this Tip

Is your child spending countless hours in front of a TV or tablet? Do you wish that your child would spend their time doing other things such as playing outside, reading or doing homework and chores?

Have them “buy” their screen time instead. For every one minute they would like to spend in front of the TV or tablet, they must spend one minute doing an activity of your choice such as homework, playing outside, chores or reading. They will need to purchase their time with these minutes. Time doing these things at school does not count and banking time from a previous day does not work either. Time must be used on the day it’s earned.         Give it a try! You may be pleasantly surprised with the results!

A Growth Mindset

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Some children are born with an inner drive to keep trying over and over when they fail. Most children aren’t, though, and it is up to us to help them see that failing is actually the key to succeeding. Teaching our children the word YET is key. They may come to you and say, “I don’t know how to read” or “I can’t ride a 2-wheeler” or “I can’t get good grades.” We need to teach them to add the word “yet” to the end of those sentences so they start to realize that these things take time and with the right mindset, they will happen!

Sit down with your child and list out things that they now do, that at one time they thought were hard. Have them tell you that with practice they learned to do hard things. They are able to do hard things! Using this type of thinking and dialogue around our children will teach them that by trying, failing and learning from their mistakes, they will succeed at doing hard things.

The Benefits of Reading Books

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        It is our goal that every student develops a passion for reading. We provide many opportunities on a daily basis for students to be exposed to a variety of texts. Every once and awhile, we are faced with the question, “Why do we have to read?”  Here are a variety of ways to answer this question.

1.      Reading exercises your brain.

2.      Reading increases your ability to empathize with others.

3.      Reading improves concentration and focus.

4.      Reading helps develop creativity.

5.      Reading is entertaining.

6.      Reading provides knowledge and information.

7.      Reading enriches language and vocabulary.

8.      Reading reduces stress and puts you in a better mood.

Winter Can Affect How We Feel

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Ohio winters can cause you to feel down and sleep more than usual. Don’t be too quick to accept this as a normal part of life. You may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder. At school, we also see this in some of our students.

        Not everyone is suffering from SAD, some are suffering from a less-severe form of mood changes called the “winter blues.” If you think you (or your child) may be experiencing SAD or winter blues, you may try the following things:

        *Expose yourself to sunlight whenever possible.

        *Incorporate more physical activity each day.

        *Socialize with friends, family and colleagues often.

Closings and Delays

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In the event of a closing or delay, East Guernsey will communicate all delays, cancellations, early dismissals on the website, Facebook, Twitter, automated calls as well as local news outlets.

You’re Invited!

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The Board of Education meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month, unless circumstances require a change in date.  We hope to see you there! East Guernsey is dedicated to making wise decisions for the future of our school district. Board Meeting minutes are available on our website!

Tips and Ideas To Foster Reading at Home

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Reading Ideas:

*Read bedtime stories.

*Have your child read the grocery list as you shop.

*Write down a recipe for your child’s favorite food.

*Get excited to visit the library.

*Play a board game and have your child read the cards.

Reading Tips:

*Don’t leave home without it! Always have reading materials available to read in the car or at appointments.

*Once is not enough. Re-read favorite stories to help build fluency, speed and accuracy.

*Dig Deeper! Ask your child questions about what they just read.

*Be patient, correct gently and praise with enthusiasm


Giving at the Holiday Season

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The holidays are a great time to teach children compassion and empathy for others. It is easy for children to be excited to receive gifts, but how do we develop the same enthusiasm for giving? Here are some examples of how you can involve your child in the joy of giving.

  • Let your child shop for a few gifts for others using their own money.
  • Do a holiday craft or bake cookies to give to neighbors or friends.
  • Let your child wrap a few gifts themselves.
  • Have your child make cards for others.
  • Give your child the opportunity to present the gift to someone so they can see the joy it brings.
  • Volunteer in a local soup kitchen or participate in Toys for Tots.

Closings and Delays

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In the event of a closing or delay, East Guernsey will communicate all delays, cancellations, early dismissals on the website, Facebook, Twitter, automated calls as well as local news outlets.  Please contact the school office to confirm your contact information.

You’re Invited

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The Board of Education meets on the third Wednesday of each month, unless circumstances require a change in date. The public is invited to attend these meetings. Hope to see you there!